Cultivate creative, resilient and caring teams that deliver deep impact


Team effectiveness is often one of the most easily overlooked and under-invested in areas of any purpose-driven organization. There are so many dynamics and drivers behind team behavior, some of which are known yet never discussed, and others that remain hidden.

Our work is to identify and transform those key constraints that block us from becoming the best team members we can.

The highest performing teams we’ve seen have highly-conscious leaders who consistently invite the team to hold a mirror up to themselves and transform into who they want to become.

Since 2006 we’ve worked closely with teams in the US, Europe, Africa and Asia Pacific, helping them to systematically become not only higher-performing, but also more fun, trusting and creative with each other.

"Our multiple family office has successfully partnered with Apheno Advisory since 2012 to achieve breakthroughs for both our portfolio companies and our own leadership team. Their skillful approach to conscious leadership catalyzes individual leaders and teams to rapidly develop themselves so they can have higher impact and better navigate complex change in the era of disruption. We wholeheartedly recommend engaging them if you want a trusted advisor, a brilliant thought leader, and an accomplished development partner.”

— Dr. Mariana Bozesan, Founder, AQAL AG and AQAL Capital
— Tom Schulz, CEO and Founder, AQAL AG and AQAL Capital


Intact team development


Team development is a contact sport. By bumping up against each other’s edges, teammates polish each other, helping them to become their very best. We typically work with teams for 1-3 years as part of their regular strategic alignment and execution process.

Through monthly, virtual check-ins and in-person, quarterly meetings we build capacity and address any barriers to accomplishing their highest priority strategic initiatives together. Over time, we also refine and upgrade their team culture, their approach to teamwork, and their deeper purpose and vision.


Breakthrough projects


We design team development programs around breakthrough projects: High-impact, high-value initiatives that the team can focus on and use as the platform for their transformation.

Nothing builds confidence in a team like hard-won accomplishment in the face of complex challenges that require everyone (including us) to grow.

The breakthrough project methodology we use was developed by our long-time collaborator, Dana Carman. It is field-tested and has consistently supported teams to deliver systemic, strategic change around critical initiatives.


Diagnostics and dashboards


How effective are your teams? How healthy is each team culture? How do you measure and monitor these core indicators?

We guarantee that teams who work with us will improve their performance on their strategic initiatives and overall effectiveness as a team. The growth teams accomplish is quantifiable, not just in business results or mission impact, but in how they engage together.

We use a variety of diagnostics and dashboards to track team development. This includes the health of the team’s culture to metrics around structure, role clarity, psychological safety, and meaning, as well as conflict, accountability, and trust.